Helicobacter pylori test

Helicobacter pylori test

What Is H. Pylori ?

Helicobacter pylori(H. pylori) is a tiny, spiral-shaped bacterium that lives primarily on the mucosal surfaces of the human stomach. This bacterium is able to survive in the acidic environment of the stomach and resists its corrosion by producing a special enzyme (urease). Urease can decompose urea in the stomach into carbon dioxide and ammonia. Ammonia can neutralize gastric acid, thereby providing a relatively safe living environment for bacteria. Helicobacter pylori infection has been defined as an infectious disease. It is one of the main causative factors of gastric diseases, especially closely related to chronic gastritis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer. What's more, long-term infection with Helicobacter pylori may also increase the risk of gastric cancer. The World Health Organization has classified it as a Class I carcinogen.



What are the symptoms of Helicobacter pylori infection?

Symptoms of Helicobacter pylori infection may include bad breath, stomach pain, indigestion (including flatulence, feeling of fullness, etc.), acid reflux, nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite, diarrhea or constipation, etc. It should be noted that not all people infected with Helicobacter pylori will experience symptoms. Some people may be asymptomatic carriers, but long-term latent infection may still lead to persistent inflammation and damage to the gastric mucosa.



Who needs to be tested for Helicobacter pylori?

l  People with symptoms of gastric or duodenal ulcers, such as persistent or recurrent upper abdominal pain.

l  People diagnosed with chronic gastritis, especially those with long-term stomach discomfort.

l  People with a family history of gastric cancer or gastric mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma (MALT lymphoma), as H. pylori has been linked to these conditions.

l  Residents of areas with a high incidence of gastric cancer, where testing for H. pylori and eradication treatment may help prevent gastric cancer.

l  People with unexplained digestive system symptoms, such as long-term indigestion, stomach pain, etc.

l  People who plan to use nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) for a long time, as H. pylori infection may increase the risk of peptic ulcers.

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